Kot Man-Ya Flower Garden Seychelles


The Eco-Tourism Society of Seychelles

Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Issue 12

Subject: Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

In line with the ongoing activities organised for the month of September 2016 by the Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation (SAF) working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other relevant institutions, to raise awareness on this deadly disease which can consume the lives and wellbeing of the people giving care just as the disorder consumes its victims, through our focus of today we will be better able to differentiate between the symptoms of the disease itself from those of a typical age-related change.

Indeed while the medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, aids and not the least even Alzheimer itself through a healthy diet and exercise, to date the latter is a primary cause of death that cannot be prevented, cured or even solved.

And with the prevailing increase in life spans, this incapacitated and unpredictable epidemic will continue to take hold whereby millions more families from every corner of the global village will be touched by this progressive, degenerative and ultimately fatal disease.

Thus since our Seychelles is not an exception to this prevailing adverse trend and that  without effective drugs in sight related costs will continue to soar, there is now an urgent need for us all to join forces to further address the important issue that is growing worse by the day.

For the love of our Seychelles and through ‘unity of purpose’, let us not lose sight of the fact that a healthy nation is always a wealthy nation.

Rest assured of our continued cooperation and support in this direction.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 11

Spiritual Values: Tribute to Mother Teresa of Calcutta

In line with our ongoing spiritual value series, today we have the honour and the privilege to pay a very special tribute to mother Teresa of Calcutta, for her unconditional love for the poor, the abandoned and the marginalized.

Indeed on December 17th 2016, Pope Francis recognized a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa whereby making her eligible for canonization in the Catholic Church which will be bestowed upon her on Sunday 4th September 2016.

Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu‎ of Albanian parents on ‎Aug. 26, 1910, in Skopje, in what ‎is now ‎Macedonia, she joined the Loreto order of nuns in 1928.

In 1946, while travelling by train from Kolkata to Darjeeling, she was inspired to found the Missionaries of Charity order. The order was established four years later and has since opened more than 130 houses worldwide (Seychelles included) to provide comfort and care for the needy.

‎Affectionately known as the “saint of the gutter” Mother Teresa who passed away on 5th September 1997, earned several international honours, including ‎the ‎Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. ‎

By the time of her death, Mother Teresa’s India-based Missionaries of Charity supported 4,000 nuns and ran hundreds of orphanages, soup kitchens, homeless shelters and clinics around the world.

Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003 by Pope John Paul II after a first miracle was attributed to her, answering an Indian woman’s prayers to cure her brain tumour, according to the Vatican. One miracle is needed for beatification — described by the Catholic Church as recognition of a person’s entrance into heaven — while sainthood requires two.

Francis officially cleared Mother Teresa for sainthood on Dec. 17, 2015, after recognizing her “miraculous healing” of a Brazilian man with multiple brain abscesses, the Vatican said.

Mother Teresa’s greatness (who visited our islands in 1984) lies in her ability to give unconditionally. Indeed as a real Mother she chose “not just the least but to be the servant of the least.”

In her honour, and in our quest to further enhance our Human Values so as to better address our multiple national, regional and international challenges and uncertainties, through our prayers let us always give due recognition to her great deeds and follow her example, for the benefit of  All mankind.

May Peace, Love and Joy be with us always.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 10

Spiritual Values: Prosperity and the Value of Giving

It is said that “to one who loves his country in all its parts, it is natural to rejoice in whatever contributes to the prosperity and honour and marks the stability and progress of any portion of its people”.

It is in this spirit therefore that it’s heartening to note that against all odds and through much “Unity of Purpose” our Seychelles has in 2015 managed to consolidate its position as one of the seventy-nine high income countries, a feat which has been attained through much hard work, devotion, and dedication in a peaceful environment, with much love and respect for one another, in paving the way forward for a more prosperous and a more equitable future for our people and the future of our children, for gracious thinking will always bring abundance.

At a time when our Global Village is facing multiple challenges on all fronts, more than ever before it is now incumbent upon us (both individually and collectively) to redouble our commitments to uphold the Values which have brought us safely this far and which will continue to be instrumental for the future enhancement of our sustainable progress and prosperity.

Having said that, and in order for us to better pave our way forward for the journey ahead, we have no doubt that our focus of today will be of much assistance in our ongoing quest to provide the necessary support to the less fortunate of our community, whereby raising their standard of living. For whatever we give out unconditionally will always come back to us.

Our ambitions therefore must continue to be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.

Thus, let us be kind to one another always…

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 9

Spiritual Values: Understanding The Journey of Life

It is said that “life is meant for reasons we may never know, but that is not a reason to make it harder for others for things we do not understand”.

Almost 40 years ago, as “one nation under God”, we took our destiny into our own hands, and today after much trials and tribulations, trust in our own steps, dedication and devotion for the unconditional love of our people and our Seychelles we continue to reap the fruits of our hard labour.

At this critical juncture of our history and that of our world, there is now much for us to reflect upon so as to pave the way forward for the journey ahead.

While each of us will continue to have our evolution of life when going through different tests which are unique and challenging, certain things are common, and we will continue to learn things from each other’s experience on a Spiritual Journey were all of us have the same destination.

Thus let us continue to stay focused, do great work, make our family and our community proud, fix our mistakes and flaws, make the process less complicated that we need to, take each day step by step, and always be grateful for the abundance of the blessings we have for the journey we are on and to relish each day as a gift.

With much gratitude always…

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 8

Spiritual Values: Understanding Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

It is said “that the key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life…mental, emotional, spiritual as well as physical” and that we should never build our emotional life on the weakness of others.

Through our focus of today we will learn how to further explore different parts of ourselves, in particular our emotional intelligence (EQ) in better enabling us not to spend precious time to lavish care on emotional wounds but rather to get on with living, with much laughter which is considered as the best Emotional Band-Aid in our world.

For it is also a well known fact that every time we get upset, it drains our emotional energy; that losing our cool makes us tired and that getting angry messes a lot with our health…

In this vein, it is of an imperative necessity for us to be able to identify, use, understand and manage our own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflicts in our daily lives.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 7

Labour Day 2016: Understanding Spiritual and Human Values

Labour Day is our only holiday that is devoted to the working men and women of our beloved Seychelles…

Indeed across our world millions of workers and their families will also celebrate their contributions in raising their standard of living, whereby creating a better future for their respective countries and peoples.

In so doing it is important for us all to appreciate what we have, how we achieved it and what we need to do to protect it. Since the lessons of our history are not to repeat mistakes already made, we must continue to educate, organise and mobilise today for a brighter tomorrow for all.

On this most auspicious occasion therefore, let us renew our commitment to further create good jobs, enhance retirement security for all our workers, improve educational and job training opportunities and ensure the bargaining strength of all working men and women. And let us also ensure that all of the progress that we have achieved is not threatened by those who want more only for themselves.

Today is a day to be grateful; be joyful; be a blessing to others, but most importantly we must continue to lead by example and if we want to raise a generation that understands the value of hard work, we must begin the hard work at home, get back to the things that have Value, whereby being better able to teach our kids about work ethics and what matters most in our daily lives.

Please, accept our very best wishes for a happy Labour Day for us All.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 6

The Power of Calmness and Deliberate Gratitude

As a continuation of our Spiritual Value series for 2016, our focus today is on the power of Calmness and Deliberate Gratitude.

At this point in time in human history, when adversity can strike at any given time, there is always the necessity for us to be calm, take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.

It is said that “calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom” and that the key to success, is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm whereby allowing each wave of life to wash us a little further up the shore”.

Thus let this spring season bring us much more inner strength and self confidence in enabling us to fully appreciate all the gifts that surround us everyday, whereby being better able to recognize and be grateful for all our blessings, which more often than not we take for granted, until suddenly we are deprived of them.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 5

Spiritual Values: Living the Spirit of Easter

As we are all well aware, Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar, which is a day of celebration because it represents the fulfilment of our faith as Christians.

Indeed as from Sunday 27th March and for the next 50 days thereafter believers will have the opportunity to cultivate a spirit that defines who we are as Christians.

And since Easter tells us that life is interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals, let us seize this opportunity to give our lives new meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what the circumstances may be.

In so doing may the Resurrection of Christ lift us from our loneliness, weakness and despair to strength, beauty and happiness, whereby being better able to live our lives in unison with joy, without fear and with new eyes.

Happy Easter to us All.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 4

Spiritual Values: Praying and Preparing of Lent

It will be recalled on 10th February 2016 with the commemoration of Ash Wednesday those of us of the Christian Faith started to embark on the important process of Lent which will culminate in the renewal of spring, on Sunday 27th March 2016.

During that seven week period we will continue to focus our attention on the search for a “deeper sense of Purpose” whereby developing a clearer understanding of God’s plan for our lives, what matters most and what matter least.

Indeed since Lent means many things to many people, whether we are seeking solemnity, renewal or rejuvenation, we have no doubt that our focus today will offer some inspiring insights and reflection for the continued observance of Lent 2016. For anything worth doing, is worth preparing for, no matter how advanced the process may already be. Are we on the right track? That is the question!!!

May the Force beyond continued to be our Shepherd on the remainder of this highly Spiritual Journey of Life ahead.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 3

Valentine’s Day 2016: Understanding The Science Of Love

We are now approaching the Special Day we call Valentine’s Day, whereby we will soon be giving our hearts, our time and our attention to those we love.

Indeed in this busy time, it is easy to take for granted those people who are there for us each and every day. Thus let us make this Valentine’s Day a day when we clear the pathway between us, and create a renewed connection, one that can endure for another 364 days and all that life brings to our attention.

Valentine’s Day is also an opportunity to honour our patriotism, love of country and a willingness to serve honestly and sacrifice dearly for a common goal.

It is therefore an appropriate time to give due recognition and profound gratitude to the services rendered over the past 40 years or so, by all to preserve our freedom, enhance our way of life and independence.

Thus, let us also seize this opportunity to also express, share and enjoy the love and pride of these Seychelles Islands, this great country of ours, in a non political environment, with a mission to foster better awareness, understanding and tolerance between us, whereby developing a better and friendlier attitude  about us by the citizens of the world.

At this point in time of our history as a Nation and that of our World, therefore, let us also not just blindly praise or criticise, rather let us now actively support, lovingly protect our Seychelles; in setting a firm foundation for that future we want, for all generations to come.

We now have the honour to pay a Special Tribute to HE Sir James Richard Mancham, MBE, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles, Ambassador for Peace for his ongoing priceless noble endeavours towards Local, Regional and International Reconciliation for Peace and Security, which continue to earn deserving recognition and gratitude by the International Community, the latest of which being the Prestigious African Peace Award. Please accept, Sir James, our sincere congratulations and esteem. Rest assured of our continued co-operation and support.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. For those who are our rocks each and every day, we offer a heartfelt smile and those simple words: we appreciate you and cherish this opportunity to share a part of our lives with you.

We love you all and will always love you all.

Highest consideration.

Newsletter issue 2

2016: Understanding Reconciliation: The Value of Trust

It is said that “trust is not only the most essential ingredient in communication but above all it is the foundation principle that holds all relationships”.

Indeed after more than 37 years of mistrust between the International Community and the Islamic Republic of Iran, over the latter’s nuclear programme, resulting in crippling sanctions, two years of negotiations have now brought the parties concerned together, in developing a new element of trust, which is not only making our world a safer place, but step by step integrating Iran back in the realm of the Community of Nations.

Here in our Seychelles, our ongoing political process has brought to the fore our deep rooted mistrust for one another, which if not addressed as a matter of urgency, will be detrimental to our morale, for if we do not trust and believe in people, our Creole way of life will simply become impossible.

While learning to trust is one of life’s more difficult tasks, we must also recognise the fact that to be trusted has a greater value than to be loved… in short where there is trust, love will surely flourish.

Thus in our endless quest for peace, progress and more prosperity for all, let 2016 be the year that we earn that trust, through the development of good judgement, in making trust and belief our prime consideration in not allowing ourselves to be too opinionated and divided…for “He who does not trust enough will not be trusted”.

Our journey continues.

Highest consideration.

Newsletter issue 1

2016: Understanding Reconciliation: The Value of Hope

It will be recalled that in our last episode on “The Quest for Reconciliation” a call was made for us as a Small Island Nation, to further address our weaknesses, impediments and obstacles to peace, process and prosperity, for the Love of our Seychelles and our World.

It will further be recalled that during its short eight years history, through its bimonthly E-newsletters (139 episodes to date) and other related activities, as a strong advocate of such values, TESS has spared no effort in building awareness and understating on the best way forward to “navigate the cross currents” of our turbulent world of today… for our sustainable survival and that of our children.

It is indeed with this same “sense of purpose” that we will be better able to get in touch with our values that will enable us to have a better Sense of Direction, for us to live our lives more intentionally, with much more integrity and dignity, in better aligning what we do with what we believe in.

And since “little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our greatest Hope lies in developing what is good”.

Thus, may 2016 be the year to further cultivate and cherish our unconditional love and respect for one another on our collective journey of Life.

Highest consideration.

Newsletter issue 19

2016: The Quest for Reconciliation

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Hal Borland.”

Indeed 2015 has been a highly eventful year which through our collective endeavours has enabled us to register much progress in the economical, social, environmental, moral spiritual and many other fields, for the benefit of our Seychelles, our people, and our world.

From a political stand point, it is a fact that the process we undertook has enabled us to undertake a much deeper assessment of self whereby being better able to recognise what our diverse views and beliefs are and on how to move forward as one for the benefit of All.

In the process, we have also come to realise that unless we all solemnly pledge to do our utmost to Reconcile our weaknesses, impediments and obstacles to progress, peace and prosperity, our Love for one another will remain nothing else but conditional and detrimental to our mere survival on this highly delicate road to progress as a unique and peaceful small island oasis, in a highly turbulent world of ours.

In this vein since “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (bible) Mark 3.25, more than ever before, there is now an imperative necessity, to bridge our “Political divide”, in further cementing our “certainty caution”, on which that “future we want” is so heavily dependent upon.

Thus as Christians and believers, let this Christmas fill our hearts with everlasting love, respect for one another, much hope for all, and peace of mind for still more progress and sustainable prosperity for All in 2016 and beyond.

We wish us all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our shepherd always…

Newsletter issue 18

Unity of Purpose: Gratitude: The Value of Thanksgiving

Many countries have some sort of Day of Thanksgiving on their national calendar. However only the Commonwealth of Canada and the United States of America celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, both having their roots in the same values, ideas and traditions.

Having had to honour and privilege to serve our Seychelles in both countries for 14 years of my productive life, for the last three decades or so I have always adhered to such Christian values which have guided me in the discharge of my duties and responsibilities…always striving for the best possible outcome, for the benefit of all.

And today is that special Day to give thanks to the Creator for this wonderful life where each of us has the opportunity to learn lessons we could not fully comprehend by other means, for “if a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get “and that” if we only continue to focus on what we don’t have, we will never, ever have enough”.

We wish us all Happy Thanksgiving.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 17

Unity of Purpose: Aging Gracefully: Honouring Our Elders

As has been customary for over three decades now, we will soon be paying a special tribute to our elders and express our profound gratitude for the many accomplishments they have registered and continue to contribute selflessly to our daily lives and our community, in further strengthening the foundation that our future, the future of our children and that of our world will always be heavily dependent upon.

On this momentous occasion therefore, let us renew our pledge to ensure that our Seychelles remains a place in which to mature and grow older whereby providing our seniors the necessary support, encouragement, assistance and services for them to cherish in their latter lives in dignity, tranquillity, with love and respect.

In so doing, let us never, ever lose sight of the fact that we are who we are today, the result of their hard work, devotion and sacrifice, whereby it is of an imperative necessity that we continue to act with respect for and accordingly to their footsteps in further ensuring a brighter future for all.

In wishing all our forebearers good health, long life and happiness always, we also pay a very special Birthday tribute to Myse France Albert Rene, 2nd President of the Republic of Seychelles for his continued priceless contribution in building Our Loving Seychelles of today where “Unity in Diversity” prevails…this “beacon of hope” in this highly turbulent global village of ours.

Many happy returns Msye Prezidan.

Newsletter issue 16

Unity Of Purpose: Our Creole Culture: The Quest For Success

In line with our endless quest for sustainable solutions (both individually and collectively) our focus today, is how not to feel victimised and angry about the situation at work but rather focus on the things we can do to influence the situation.

In the process we will be better able to set new targets, surround ourselves with successful people, be punctual, enjoy the work we do, surprise people with our achievements, and not the least to make full use of any given opportunity to learn and share our experiences with our fellow human beings.

It is said that “if everyone is moving forward together then success takes care of itself”.

Thus, let this 30th Anniversary celebration of our unique Creole culture, be another opportunity for us to renew our pledge to communicate better, unite further, and grow together with everyone else, in Peace and Harmony, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 15

Unity of Purpose: Embracing The Art Of Smart Thinking

It is said that “human beings are distinguished from other species by our ability to use language”. Yet too often in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities, we do not talk nor listen to one another.

Though our focus of today therefore, we are confident and convinced that we will have a better understanding of the difference between Smart Thinking and Raw Intelligence, whereby being better able to make full use of smart solutions to further enhance our emotional and spiritual values, on the path to long term Sustainable Growth.

And the time is always ripe for us to learn to maximise our full potentials, to make smarter decisions with our lives, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 14

Unity Of Purpose: The Value Of Mental Strength

Life has no smooth road for any of us. As such we must constantly be inspired to unleash the best powers of our minds, so as not to waste time feeling sorry for ourselves nor to give away our power to others.

Indeed since mental toughness is what separates the Super Stars from the merely “good”, the only way of finding the limits of what is possible, is by going beyond them into the impossible.

The key to mental toughness therefore is to continuously apply the traits of motivation, positive attribute, emotional self control, calmness under fire and being energetic and ready for action.

In the discharge of our duties and responsibilities; we have no doubt that through the application of those traits, day in and day out, we will be better able to reach new heights (both individually and collectively) for the benefit of our Seychelles and our World at large.

Our Journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 13

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that “one of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody, everything, every night before you go to bed” and that we simply “cannot embrace God’s Forgiveness if we are busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges”.

In our endless quest for everlasting peace, for the love of our Seychelles and the sake of our children, we have no doubt that through our focus today we will be better able to: – do away with the sufferings of the past, transform our anger and hurt into healing and peace, overcome our feelings of depression, anxiety and rage, increase our self-esteem and not the least, forge ahead with far greater potentials for inner freedom, acceptance and tolerance.

May Peace be with us always on our journey of Life, in this highly turbulent world of today.

Newsletter Issue 12

The Value of Constructive Criticism

In line with the on-going enhancement of our Unity endeavours and processes (both locally and globally) today we focus our attention on the Value of Constructive Criticism” in enabling us to further solidify our family structure and our various public, private and civil society institutions.

In so doing we will better able to:- stop acting on impulse; further improve our behaviour patterns; encourage more positive changes; increase our cohesion and productivity mechanisms; and not the least decrease our individual and collective stress level in this prevailing highly turbulent period of human history, for the benefit of all.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 11

Unity of Purpose: Embracing Diversity

As we are all well aware, our human race is extraordinarily diverse in many ways. Gender, ethnicity, race, class, religions, nationality, sexuality, lifestyle, etc… As a consequence the areas in which we differ are endless.

Since we are all of the same Human Species, we all experience highs and lows in our Journey of Life, whereby we must always strive to be happy and fulfilled.

While our joy and pains are what bring US Together, our Diversity makes us Unique for we are each our own special person, one who has never existed and will never exist again.

And while Compassion refers to the love for and desire to help all people, in allowing us to realise our role in something much larger than ourselves, conversely, when our minds are polluted by Prejudice, we pick out and focus on “differences”, wasting much of our time criticising and disliking others. And the Intolerance within us causes much Anger and Resentment.

Our focus today, therefore, is on how to overcome our Prejudice and unfair assumptions of others, which are the enemy of everyone, in enabling us to avoid Us becoming self-absorbed, and caught up in our own struggles and fears, which is the Key to Peace, Progress and Properties in our World.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter issue 10

Unity of Purpose: The Quest for Happiness

It will be recalled that it was indeed with great pride and much joy that we recently celebrated the 39th Anniversary of our Independence Day. Once again we have made full use of this Momentous Occasion to further showcase to the International Community our sincere commitment to continue to live in peace and harmony, through “Unity of Purpose” in our Small Island Nation.

And yes, today we must be equally proud that though our hard work and devotion over the past four decades or so, we have earned ourselves the honour of being an upper income country, with one of the highest GNI per capita in Africa.

In the process we have also recognised that such a milestone is not an end itself, for we have also realised that the road ahead of us is still harder and much more difficult, if we are not only to uphold our newly acquired Status but above all to ensure a much brighter and more sustainable future for our children.

It is therefore in this Spirit of Togetherness, (and gearing up towards my 60th Birthday soon) that we have now found it to be both timely and appropriate to focus our attention on the issue of Happiness. In so doing we will not only have a much better understanding on what we need to do to make life more enjoyable, productive and worthwhile, but above all that to truly appreciate our Journey of Life, we must sometimes have to just sit back and enjoy the Ride…

Newsletter issue 9

Independence Day 2015: The Journey of Life: Our Journey Continues

To commemorate thirty-nine years of Independence of our Small Island Nation, we will soon be raising our heads with much pride and salute the Land we were born on and the Nation that made us who we are today.

In so doing let us above all express our deepest gratitude to the Force Beyond for the remarkable progress we have made, and for the reserve of knowledge, experience and ability we have acquired through much dedication, devotion and hard work… today earning us the respect, the honour and the support of the international community, without which our mere survival would be in jeopardy.

Indeed along with Freedom also come Responsibility and since no Country is perfect by itself, it is up to US to Unite further, and to work smarter towards our endless quest for the “Perfection” we seek.

On this most Auspicious Occasion therefore, let us all make a solemn Promise to “stand together as one” and to continue to be good citizens of our beloved Seychelles in the best of our capabilities, and to build further on our achievements for the benefit of All generations to come.

May the Lord Almighty continue to guide us on our Journey of Life, in this prevailing turbulent World of ours, full of heightened uncertainty and insecurity, when “Unity of Purpose” is of an imperative necessity for our Sustainable Growth Process ahead.

For the unconditional Love of our Seychelles and our beautiful people, we wish US all a Highly Reflective and Happy Independence Day 2015.

Newsletter issue 8

2015: Raising The Bar: 14 Things You Should Give Up Chasing

Our focus today is on how to eliminate worry and fear associated with Success by shifting the patterns of thinking that result in self-doubt and second-guessing.

It is argued that worrying about what you’re doing (or not doing) is the surest way to keep you poor and unsuccessful, for when you make decisions based on external motivator, it is much easier to second-guess yourself.

Indeed more often than not we all tend to fantasize about the big pay-offs for all our hard work, but that kind of success is always elusive around the next bend.

Since “success is not a person, but an event” by shifting your thinking from being a successful person to a Confident one, you will be better able to experience more success events and more failure events, both of which have abundant rewards.

Thus let us always remember that focusing on what we are doing now is more important than focusing on success.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 7

2015: Raising The Bar: Living Life to the Fullest: 20 Deathbed Regrets

It will be recalled that in our last episode much emphasis was placed on how to Live Life with No Regrets so as not to waste this “precious gift” from the Force Beyond.

In this vein and as part of the observance of the Holy Week by the Christian Faith worldwide and the essence of Spring and Renewal that the feast of Easter entails, our focus today us on 20 Regrets from People on their Deathbeds, that can help change your life from a potentially destructive path, to one of Triumph and Fulfillment.

For regardless of All the struggles and battles that life brings, always follow your intuition and listen to what your heart is telling you on what you truly desire and deeply want, in avoiding all the unpleasant Regrets you may end up with on your deathbed.

Surely since the choice is yours, only you can decide.

We wish us All Christians a Happy Easter.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 6

2015: Raising The Bar: Living Life With No Regrets

It is said that one of the most difficult feelings ever is to get at the end of your life and realise that you have a ton of Regrets.

Our focus today therefore is to explore ways and means to live your best now, so as not to waste this precious gift on something or someone who hinders you from reaching your full potential.

In the process we will also learn that if you want something to change, the first step is by working hard to change it yourself, whereby being better able to be open to all new opportunities around you, in choosing your ideal life.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 5

2015: Raising The Bar: Cruise Control for Life

Our focus today is on the appropriate use of Inspirational Words of Wisdom on our Journey of Life, which takes us to places we either Love, Hate or wish for something totally Different.

Far too often, we spend most of our lives comparing ourselves to others, a process which can only served to erode our unique individual qualities and inner fabric.

With such “saintly” words therefore, we will surely be better able to navigate and to:-

(a) Recognise that living is not just using time

(b) Keep our dreams alive

(c) Be always on the move, in putting time for the betterment of our lives

(d) Contribute to the happiness of others and not the least

(e) Consider risks as Opportunities, as Hope and surely not as despair

And the time for us to learn more on how to love ourselves first, so as to better express our Unconditional Love for our Seychelles is now.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 4

2015: The Pinnacle of Excellence: Wisdom

Our aim today is on the need for us to develop a better understanding of the Value of Knowledge and that of Wisdom, of which the former is considered as the Tool and the latter as the Craft in which the Tool is appropriately used.

In so doing we will be better able to make use of “a little more empathy, perspective and conciliation and a little less certitude, aggression and intransigence” in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities for the benefit of All.

For the love of Seychelles, our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 3

2015: Raising The Bar: Reconciling Secular Worldly And Selfless Spiritual Values

Today we focus our attention on the above mentioned two different sets of values and on how to strike the Right Balance between them, as we learn to take responsibility of our thoughts, words and actions governed by our personal and communal sets of values.

At this point in time, in human history, when Worldly and Spiritual values seems to be pulling people in different directions, it is felt that in the pursuit of secular, worldly goals, priority must always be given to spiritual values, considered as the true antidote to anxiety and despair.

At a time when the disparity between the rich and the poor is at its widest, and growing, together we will be better able to appropriately address the many prevailing problems besetting humanity, as we become more mature, compassionate and wiser.

As the highly respected talk show host and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey once said, “It isn’t until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control”.

For the love our Seychelles, our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 2

2015: Raising The Bar: Family Values… Honesty

In line with our ongoing Spiritual Value series our focus today is on Family Values and on the importance of Honesty in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities, in this 21st century full of uncertainty and insecurity.

It is said that “True Honesty is the willingness to stand completely exposed allowing the world to do what it may and say what it will so you may know who you are…beyond all ideas”.

Our deficiencies in this regard are well known and no one can deny the fact that dishonest practices are on the rise causing much mistrust within our local and global community, impacting negatively on Family Values, in causing much harm to our Social Fabric and much despair for Future Generations…

And the time to explain to our children “that it gets harder to correct a lie once you’ve told it, whereby you have no choice, but to tell more lies to keep it going” is Now. In that way they won’t have to remember who knows what if they tell the truth in the first place…to everyone.

May the force beyond continue to guide us in this direction in 2015 and beyond.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 1

2015: Raising the Bar: The Value of Appreciation

To kick start our series for 2015, we have the honor to dedicate the 1st episode to the “Indispensable Value of Appreciation, whereby we will be better able to build more bridges and foster healthy relationships both locally, regionally and internationally.

In the process we will have a clearer understanding between appreciation and flattery of which the former is sincere and the latter insincere.

In so doing we will be more willing to appreciate those who are closest to us, and equally those around us, in a friendly and sincere manner, whereby our friends, family and our world at large will always remember us for our kind words of appreciation.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our Shepherd throughout 2015 and beyond.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 21

2015: Instant Inspiration Techniques for Success

“Year’s End is neither end nor a beginning but a going on with All the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” ‘Hal Borland’

Thus let 2015 inspire us further to explore new things and go on a grand adventure, to dream big and to accomplish our goals.

In the process, let us always remember that since there is no secret nor a short cut to success, let this New Year be one free of fear, of constant preparation, of learning, of hard work, while we continue to cherish the progress and precious memories we hold.

And the most important thing to do in 2015 is for us not to stop questioning…??? For “Success is only one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Happy New Year 2015 to us all..

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 20

2014: Raising The Bar: Spiritual Value Series: The Power of Acceptance

It will be recalled that in our last Episode much focus was placed on the how to “Overcome Our Fear of Rejection”.

Today much attention is being given to the “The Power of Acceptance”. In the process we will be able to further develop a better understanding that while there are certain things we can change in our life, there are things that we simply cannot change.

In so doing we will be better able to improve the way we live, feel and accept people, circumstances and situations that are way beyond our control, for much needed Inspiration and continued Inner Peace in 2015 and beyond without which life will be simply miserable.

And the time to continue enjoy this precious gift of the Higher Power is now!

Our journey continues.

Newsletter issue 19

2014: Raising The Bar: Overcoming Your Fear Of Rejection

As part of our ongoing “Spiritual Value Series” our focus today is on the importance of overcoming our “Fear of Rejection” for Peace of Mind and long term Success.

This is being done with the full knowledge that during the course of our journey on Planet Earth, there will be always hundreds of door slammed in our faces before one opens, whereby there is always the need to take rejection Gracefully.

Indeed Rejection is simply a part of the risk of living whereby we can always learn more from it and equally from Failures than from Acceptance and Success itself.

Since accepting Rejection is a tremendous Personal and Professional Growth Process, the next time you are in this situation of utter rejection seek Wisdom and Guidance of the Higher Power on what you should be doing and on how you should be doing it.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter issue 18

2014: Raising The Bar: Homage To Our Elders

As it has been customary for over the past three decades, today we focus special attention on our elders, especially on what they have learned and what they continue to teach us, while we continue to learn new ways on how to survive in this old world…now considered as a “Global Village”.

Indeed the mysterious process of aging is not just the process of getting older but the presence of being elders in our family and in our community.

While the word Elder often denotes an end to the prime of life and the beginning of decline, being an Elder in the Spiritual Sense is truly an honour…something we could even look forward to as we follow in the footsteps of those before us.

Thus, in the discharge of our daily duties and responsibilities let us always give due recognition to both the caregivers and those receiving the benefits of care.

May we be Graced to age well, and be role models to those who come behind us, for the benefits of many generations to come.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 17

2014: Raising The Bar: The Benefits Of Optimism

In view of the many prevailing and ongoing highly adverse circumstances affecting our sustainable growth process, whereby there is now the urgent need to have a still more optimistic view for the future of our Global Village, our focus today is on the “Benefits of Optimism”.

In so doing, we will be better able to increase our positive thoughts level, see the brighter side of life, reduce our stress level and not the least, enjoy health benefits, for the benefit of All.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 16

2014: Raising The Bar: The Value Of The Law Of Attraction

As part of our ongoing Spiritual Values Series our focus today is on how to comprehend and make full use of the “Law of Attraction” for the proper discharge of our duties and responsibilities in our daily lives, for the benefit of all.

In the process we will be better able to have more control over what we attract and develop more positive thoughts and feelings whereby focusing more on our dreams rather than our frustrations, during this period of heightened stressful global uncertainty and insecurity.

For the need to have a more optimistic world view is now.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 15

2014: Raising The Bar: The Benefits Of Spirituality

In line with the prevailing need for us to have a more Optimistic View of the turbulent and weary world around us, whereby our Stress Level is always on the rise, our focus today is on ‘The Benefits of Spirituality for Mental Health’.

In the process we will be better able to recognise the Value of Prayer, the benefits of Gratitude towards God, of seeing stressful situations as test of strength and not the least, on how to make good use of ‘The Law of Attraction’ in our daily lives to create Positive Change, for the benefit of All.

May the Force Beyond continue to guide us during this most difficult period of modern Human History.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 14

2014: Raising The Bar: The Value Of Emotional Resilience

Our focus today is on ‘The Traits, Benefits and Development of Emotional Resilience’, essential elements and indispensable values for the proper discharge of our duties and responsibilities (both individually and collectively) during this prevailing time of Wars, the Ebola Crisis and Climate Change causing much heightened uncertainty and mistrust on a global scale, whereby affecting the growth prospects of all Nations, in our Global Village of today.

In the process, we will have a better understanding on how to cope with Stress and become more Resilient in the face of Adversity in being better able to turn the prevailing negative events into positive and lasting solutions, for the benefits of all.

And the time to have a more Optimistic World View is now.

Newsletter Issue 13

What is Meant by ‘Spiritual Growth’?

As part of our ongoing (peace series) today we wish to express our sincere congratulations to Sir James Richard Mancham,  Seychelles Founding President on the official launching of his new book entitled “Seychelles – The Saga Of A Small Nation Navigating Through The Cross-Currents Of A Big World”.

At a time when the Safety and Security of our Global Village is getting deeper and deeper into jeopardy, causing much suffering, misery and despair all over and when we in Our Seychelles have found it appropriate to dedicate the month of September to Learn, Teach and Share Peace, the publication of this latest fine work of art by Sir James, will without doubt be of much Value in our endless quest for Internal peace, External peace and Global peace.

As Ambassador for Peace, Sir James knows much about what it takes to be Resilient, and that through the past 75 short years of his life, he has always demonstrated that nothing was insurmountable and above all that there is nothing in our world that can conquer the Human Spirit.

In the process we will learn that while adverse surroundings play an import role in our lives, if we are willing, we do not have to be dominated by them, but to use them effectively to inspire us as a Small Island Nation continue to strive for something better for the benefit of All.

We take this opportunity to wish Sir James, continued success for his noble endeavours for the betterment of our Seychelles and our world.

Please accept, Sir James, the assurances of our highest consideration.

Newsletter Issue 12

Expressing Your Feelings In A Disagreement

As part of our ongoing “Peace Series” today we provide us with some basic guidelines on how to express our feelings in disagreements for the effective Resolution of Conflicts, be it personal, professional, national, regional and international.

In the process, we will be better able to compromise and to find long lasting solutions to our differences in enabling us to move forward in unison towards the attainment of our objectives, for the benefit of all parties concerned.

May the Force beyond continue to guide us in our related noble endeavours to find common grounds for a more peaceful and prosperous planet Earth…our one and only home.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter issue 11

Accepting Other People’s Differences

As part of our ongoing “Peace Series” today we focus our attention on the Value of Accepting Other People’s Differences, in our endless quest to better our Global Village, for a more peaceful and prosperous future for all.

In so doing, we will be better able to open ourselves up to others in enabling more opportunities and possibilities to flourish, to grow spiritually, to learn to Compromise more often whereby reducing the prevailing heightened level of “our fear of the future”.

To those of us of the Christian Faith, we wish us all a happy feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 10

The Quest For Peace

It will be recalled that in our last episode [part 50] dated 09th May 2014, particular emphasis was placed on “The Hope for a better future for Human Society” and on how to overcome “our fear of the future”.

Barely two months later, it is now abundantly clear that this sacred wish of ours is fast becoming more and more elusive, for wars, turmoil, terror and insecurity have multiplied and intensified, causing more deaths, pain, destruction and suffering of countless innocent civilians, women and children throughout our global village.

The recent deadly missile attack on Malaysian Airlines MH17 over wartorn Eastern Ukraine is yet another catastrophe needing the undivided attention of the International Community.

Today we wish to express our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to ALL who have lost loved ones through this most tragic man-made disaster. Our thoughts and prayers are also for ALL sufferers across our world endlessly yearning for some unconditional love, compassion, peace and security.

May the Force Beyond continue to guide us ALL always…

Newsletter Issue 9

Tribute to St. Pope John Paul II and St Pope John XXIII

It will be recalled that on Sunday 27th April, 2014, our world was able to witness live the canonisation to Sainthood of two 20th century Popes by his Holiness Pope Francis I, at the Vatican.

Today we have the honour to pay Special Tribute to our two Saints whose extraordinary lives were influenced by events of that century and whose great deeds will always hold a special place in our hearts and mind… essential elements and indispensable Values for the proper discharge of our duties and responsibilities as humans, for the benefit of All in the 21st Century and beyond.

Almost two decades ago, in his Address to the 50th Session of the United Nations on 5th October 1995, in which I had the privilege to participate, St Pope John Paul II spoke candidly at length on the Hope of a better future for Human Society. He saw the need for a Common Human Patrimony when taking into consideration: – The Risk For Freedom; The Rights Of Nations; Respect Of Differences; Moral Truth And our Civilisation.

And today it is both timely and appropriate that we showcase his Vision on the “Role of the United Nations and the Future of Freedom” and on how to overcome “our fear of the future”.

This is being done at a time when there is far too much turmoil, uncertainty and insecurity in every corner of our globe whereby there is now an urgent need for our Family of Nations to transform itself into a “Community based on mutual trust, mutual support and sincere respect” for the sake of Mankind.

Thus, let our Recognition and Respect for their Vision and Mission be of much use for our ongoing Value enhancement process, and equally important in Seychelles’ quest for a Non-Permanent Seat on the United Nation Security Council in 2016, especially in the subsequent discharge of our related duties and responsibilities should the candidature be successful.

Through “Unity of Purpose”, we thank and pray for his Holiness Pope Francis for his much active, ongoing Good Deeds for the benefit of Humanity.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 8

Raising The Bar: May Day 2014: Leading A Fulfilling Life

Labour Day is the celebration of a Promise fulfilled. It is also a call for further action, a reminder that we must always defend that Promise to ensure that dignity and opportunity remain the birthplace for all workers.

We are all aware what’s at stake and what we have to do to make a profound contribution to our Community, our Seychelles and our World.

Labour Day therefore is an opportunity to honour the work we do, to stand up and speak out and to take pride in what we do. Indeed since the work of every person is built on the work of another, we all have to rely on one another, for hard work connects us all.

In this vein to further strengthen our commitment to keep building on our achievements in 2014 and beyond, there is now the need for us all to also develop ways and means leading to living a fulfilling life. “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

In so doing we will be better able to spice up our daily lives, to come to peace with the way things are, to challenge ourselves, to go for our dreams, to develop the necessary sense of humour, to be happy and to live life on our very own terms.

Through Unity of Purpose and by working hard Together, we will be better able to address the challenges ahead.

Happy Labour Day to us all.

May The Force Beyond continue to guide us on our journey.

Newsletter Issue 7

2014: Raising The Bar: Cultivating Lifelong Learning

Today we explore ways and means to commit ourselves to being lifelong learners.

Indeed those of us who desire to live a fulfilling live need to continuously develop a curious and equally hungry mind.

By being lifelong learners, therefore, we will be better able to absorb more facts, and acquire a better understanding of our fast changing World, full of Uncertainties and Insecurity, affecting our daily lives.

In response, the time to make lifelong learning not just a habit but above all a Priority is now.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 6

2014: Raising The Bar: The Gift of Maturity

Our focus today is on the Gift of Maturity, which begins to emerge as we gain a better understanding of ourselves (both individually and collectively).

And with self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who we are, what our true goals are in life, and what direction we want to set for our lives.

In the process, we will be better able to increase the amount of our independence and individuality, whereby working much harder for the recognition and rewards we seek and to be less willing to accept failure and limitation in any form.

And our drive and determination will grow, as does our ability to take charge.

Our journey continues.

Newsletter Issue 5

2014: Raising The Bar: Cultivating Lifelong Learning

Today we explore ways and means to commit ourselves to being lifelong learners.

Indeed those of us who desire to live a fulfilling live need to continuously develop a curious and equally hungry mind.

By being lifelong learners, therefore, we will be better able to absorb more facts, and acquire a better understanding of our fast changing World, full of Uncertainties and Insecurity, affecting our daily lives.

In response, the time to make lifelong learning not just a habit but above all a Priority is

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 4

2014: Raising The Bar: Making A Difference

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which has the potential to turn a life around.

Indeed a lot of people would make a difference in the world, if more people would take Responsibility for their action for there is always the need for us to focus on helping each other develop the right attitude in the discharge of our daily lives, both as individuals and as a community.

In so doing let us always remember that “Every life matters. Everyone has value. Little things mean a lot”.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 3

2014: Raising The Bar: The Benefits Of Individuality

Our focus today is on the Benefits of Individuality, whereby we will be better able to be who we are as individuals and to know that “wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are”.

In the process we will endeavor to “always be a first version of ourselves and not a second version of someone else”, and to “stand out but and not to fit in” for in the end “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”.

And the way forward in 2014 is for us to “never accept no one’s definition of life, but to continue define yourself”.

Our journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 2

2014: Raising The Bar: Achievements And Leadership Building

For the past six years as part of our activities for the Community, we have spared no effort in building Awareness and Understanding about Values that we believe are not only very important tenets to live by, but also very germane to Leadership Success.

Such a mission has primarily been accomplished through the issuance of bi-monthly Newsletters and other equally important inspirational activities which we continue to undertake diligently from the heart.

To commemorate the 6th Anniversary of our short existence therefore, it is with much pride that we have found it to be both appropriate and timely to devote the 100th episode of our online publication to the important value of “Achievements for Leadership Building”.

Indeed our youth, do need and deserve our help and special assistance in teaching them the importance of Leadership Values for the effective discharge of their respective duties and responsibilities, in their daily lives for the benefit of All.

And on this joyous occasion for “our small up and coming organisation, we hereby pledge to raise the Bar in giving us all the gift of an inner strength of character, a sense of belonging, of identity and of much needed confidence for us all to consider The Future as something worth working hard and smart for.

In the process we will continue to instill in us all the Sense that we really do have much worth, with tremendous untapped potentials, which when put to good use will help ensure the Sustainable Prosperity of our beloved Seychelles.

We thank The Force Beyond, and us All for our continued devotion and support in this direction in 2014 and beyond. What a ride…!

Our journey continues…

Newsletter issue 1

2014: Raising The Bar: The Power Of Determination

In line with the national theme for this year, our focus today is on the Power of Determination, which is considered as the first step of other steps that must be tied together, in order to achieve whatever our intentions are for 2014.

And for us to overcome the many obstacles ahead, there is now also the need to change the way we think and do certain things in life.

In the process, let us always be grateful for our many achievements, which will serve to boost our commitment on the road ahead for the benefit of All.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 21

2014: Raising The Bar: The Value Of Delayed Gratification

This year [on the whole] we have been most active in our individual and collective quest to better our lives, for the benefit of our children and it is now proper for us to feel proud and cherish our achievements in all their various shapes and forms…and whatever they may be.

At the same time we must not lose sight of our well known deficiencies, which are still in plentiful and which continue to be most detrimental to the further enhancement of that future we want for our Seychelles and Our World, as a whole.

And to further “Raise The Bar” in 2014, our focus today is on “The Value of Delayed Gratification” which implies a pleasurable moment at the end of a tunnel, whereby we must continue to work hard to get what we want and to appreciate the resulting high reward for that hard work.

We now wish us all a healthy, happy, and highly prosperous and peaceful 2014.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our Shepherd.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 20

The Pinnacle of Excellence : Wisdom : Tribute to the late Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 05 December 2013)

“Year’s end in and end nor a beginning, but a going on with all the Wisdom that Education can instill in us”. As such it is now proper for us ALL to reflect deeply on 2013, so as to now build wisely on our achievements, in our endless quest for the betterment of that Common Future we want for all, in 2014 and beyond.

To pave the way forward, our focus today is on the Value of Wisdom: The Pinnacle of Excellence: (first issued on 20th December 2012).

To showcase its high importance, we now have the honour and privilege to pay special tribute to His Excellency the late Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (nickname Madiba) for his life long struggle against apartheid in South Africa from 1948 until his election as the 1st Black President of the Republic in 1994, and for his priceless contributions towards the betterment of our Continent and our World, as a whole.

Madiba, we are most grateful for your decades’ long sacrifices, struggles and triumphs. Rest assured that your exceptional wisdom, guidance and spirit will forever be a major component of our foundation in building that Global Movement for Change as called for by Mr. Ban Ki-moon: the United Nations Secretary General [UNSG].

And without doubt your great deeds will continue to fill our hearts and soul with much more conviction, devotion, hard work and love, for more progress, happiness, peace and prosperity for all…

May your sweet soul rest in peace.

Your journey continues and will continue always…

Newsletter Issue 19

2014: Raising The Bar: Cultivating Self-Esteem

As it has been advocated over and over again in our previous episodes, we parents have the duty to always instill in our children a higher level of Self-Esteem in the discharge of their daily lives.

In so doing, they will be better able to develop greater self-confidence, self-motivation and a positive self-image, whereby being better able to address issues pertaining to “dysfunctional environment, disastrous relationships, physical abuse, emotional, verbal, psychological, sexual abuse, addiction, personal failure, chronic illness, neglect and put down”… just to name a few.

Our pledge therefore is for us (both individually and collectively) to devote much of our attention in 2014 to this most important issue, in our endless quest to mitigate the multiple and endless social ills which continue to “plague” our Small Island State Community…Our Seychelles.

Since “the future we want” demands that it be so, we simply have no other choice but to fully keep our promises in this direction, in the days, months and years ahead.

May the Force Beyond continue to guide us.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 18

Learning from our Elders

Today we take time to pay homage to our seniors, while we learn new ways to survive in this Old World. Whether they are the caregiver or the person receiving the benefits of care, they deserve to be recognized.

While each of us is looking at our life and thinking about how much we know and have learned, stop for one minute and think about the elder generation and what they have learned and what they could teach us.

Secondly we take this opportunity to express our sincere sympathy, condolences and support to our brothers and sisters of the Republic of the Philippines for their immense loss of human lives, and heavy unpredicted damage and destruction of infrastructure and properties, due to the restless natural (man-made) disasters, affecting this Pacific Sister Island Archipelago.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 17

Managing Change: Finding Your Personal Strengths

2014 is fast approaching and the time is now ripe to start taking stock of our achievements this far, whereby being better prepared, able and willing to face the challenges, opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead in this fast changing Global Environment of today; full of uncertainty and insecurity.

In this vein there is now the need for us to asses our individual inborn strengths and to understand what they mean on a personal and practical level for continued success.

In the process we will be better able to gain clarity on the kind of tasks that are well suited to us and those that are a struggle for us.

And working from our strengths will help us (1) be far more productive, (2) get better results, (3) contribute more value, (4) attract higher compensation, (5) enjoy our work, and (6) experience greater fulfillment for the benefit of All.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 16

Achieving Retirement Independence

Retirement planning should be an exciting time of your life. Thinking in advance though, and acting on those thoughts, are keys to being ready for the future when it turns inexorably into the present.

How much would I need for my retirement in order to live comfortably? What are my goals? Where should I start? How much can I count on Social Security? What costs might I run into, once I have actually retired?

These are questions we all need to ask; questions that we often wait too long to ask, especially when our minds are more often than not preoccupied with this minute’s conversation, today’s projects, tonight’s movies, and tomorrow’s meetings…

It is said that “the best time to think about retirement is before the boss does”. We are confident, therefore that our focus today will inspire us all to plan our retirement early, so as to remain independent thereafter, to take care of ourselves without being a burden on our children and our community.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 15

Time Management: Finding Your Life Purpose

“I am a campaigner of education, I am a children’s rights activist and I am a women’s rights activist.”

Malala Yousafzai | 16 year old Education activist |Contender for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize

Our focus today is on the important value of Time Management as an indispensable ingredient for us to better discover our true purpose (both individually and collectively) in our journey of life.

And in order to find our purpose, we now need to look closer at the things we love to do. What makes us tick? To figure out where we draw our internal energy from and where our gifts and talents are best used.

In this vein, everything we say, do, think and act on should serve to complement our purpose… surely not take away from it.

We are confident that such a showcase we’ll be most useful, to better plan our activities for 2014 early, in ensuring much better results for personal satisfaction, above all for the benefit of all.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 14

Our History: Understanding Legacy

Special tribute to the late Mrs Denise Antat nee Denis

It will be recalled that over the past two years or so, we have spared no effort in giving due recognition to both Seychellois and world leaders (past and present) icons who through the effective application of their Moral and Spiritual values have contributed immensely in making our world a better place for human kind.

Today, we have the honour to honour a simple member of our community who through her hard work ethics was able to be at the service of five British Governors of our Seychelles, during our Colonial Era.

Indeed her dedication and loyalty as a housekeeper to such high profile dignitaries for such a long period deserve our attention and appreciation, in our continuous quest to better our lives and those of many generations to come.

And her journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 13

The Value of Encouragement

Our focus today is on the value of Encouragement: an imperative necessity that everyone of us needs for the effective discharge of our duties and responsibilities in making our world a better place for all, during this prevailing period of global uncertainty and insecurity.

In the process let us always remember those who helped change our lives and to always give people encouragement, be they our parents, lawyers, doctors, mates, bosses, children or even strangers, in  making them feel worthwhile and appreciated.

And let us continue to better showcase our sincere interest in helping one another overcome our challenges for the achievement of our dreams and a better future for all.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 12

Climate Change: Make Create Innovate… Flood Damage: The $1 Trillion Q & A Process

As part of our ongoing Climate Change series, our focus today is on Sea Level Rise, Storminess and other Natural Disasters resulting into flood damage impacting on Major Coastal Cities and on the urgent global for global investments toward mitigation processes, if we are to preserve our heritage.

This Necessity is being projected at a time when 95% of the world’s practicing climate scientists agree that human activities over the past 250 years are responsible for the slide in the health of the ecosystem of Spaceship Earth… our one and only home.

Now, where does our Seychelles fit into this equation?

Here in our Seychelles, the grave and costly consequences of the recent flooding from heavy rains are still being felt and that our coastline and low level flat plains/atolls continue to be under serious threat, needing our continued undivided attention and concrete Action, for there is now simply no other viable alternative.

And since We have caused it to happen, the time for Us to fix it is NOW, for tomorrow may not be, but will be too late to do so.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 11

Climate Change: The State Of Hawaii (USA)… The Islands Of Aloha

Our focus today is on what could be considered as the negative effects of Climate Change impacting on the “developed” Island State of Hawaii (USA)…from which our Seychelles and other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) could benefit through the lessons being learned, whereby bettering our very own ongoing mitigation processes, plans and related actions.

As a born and raised devout farmer/horticulturalist and now florist myself, I can vouch that the “unprecedented” negative effects of the prevailing 2013 South East Monsoons, (be it drought, temperature fluctuations and wind velocity) have affected production (both quality and quantity) and that the reproductive cycle of flowering plants has now become most erratic.

Thus while we continue to look for long term solutions to this worsening problem on a global and regional scale, as promised by the Rio+20 Plan of Action, the enhancement of our related joint efforts at the Local Level is now also of an Imperative Necessity.

In this vein we have the honour to express our full support to Sir James Richard Marie Mancham (KBE), PhD, 1st President of the Republic of Seychelles, Ambassador for Peace, Author of the Seychelles Global Citizen, towards his mission to create an international museum on the Aldabra Atoll, one of our priceless world heritage sites during this period of global environmental uncertainty impacting heavily on the eco-system of our unique island archipelago. 

We wish us all of the Christian faith, a happy and a most reflective feast of the Assumption of Mary and we pray for some much needed fresh rain water.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 10

Self-Improvement – The Value of Promises

It will be recalled that to commemorate the 5th Anniversary of TESS, the focus of our last  episode was on the Power of Choice, as a necessary means for Self-Improvement, during this prevailing period of global uncertainty and insecurity, be it, personal, social, economical, political environmental and the equally important others.

In the process, we have come to realize that such adverse consequences are partly due to the many of our ongoing unkept Promises, which if not addressed appropriately could pose a grave danger to civilization, as we know it today.

And to address such negative trends, let us now pledge to consider “slipups” as visible moral mistakes in our minds, whereby being better able to increase our Promise keeping rate, in making Integrity a top value for ourselves and our children, future of mankind.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 9

Self-Development: The Power of Choice

Over the past five years or so, we have spared no effort in further our awareness and understanding of the various values pertaining to the betterment of “Self”, essential in the effective discharge of our duties and responsibilities for the benefit of all.

They include issues relating to self-esteem, self-reliance, self-discipline and the like and our effort in this direction would be incomplete without us paying particular attention to the important issue of self-development. This is now being done with particular focus on The Power Of Choice, at a time when Our World is facing unprecedented instability, insecurity and turmoil in literally every corner of our globe, needing our undivided attention in making the right choices, in addressing such threats to mankind, during this prevailing period of relative scarcity and uncertainty.

And we now pray for our brothers and sisters of the Republic of Egypt for a passive, peaceful and lasting solution for their ongoing painful problems.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 8

Climate Change And Food Security

Over the past year or so much attention has been paid to the issue of food security for our Seychelles, whereby there is now a ‘general consensus’ that speedy action must be taken, if we are to remedy the situation towards self-sufficiency, in certain possible areas of food production for local consumption.

And in order to assist us further in this direction, there is now also the need for us to recognise the prevailing effects of Climate Change and Population Growth, which are fast affecting food supply on a global scale, and will continue to worsen, as carbon emissions continue to rise.

While in good faith we are about to celebrate our achievements and progress, the 20th Anniversary of our National Day and the 37th Anniversary of our Independence Day as a Small Island Developing State, now compel us to also reflect deeply on such prevailing, pressing issues pertaining to our ‘mere survival’ “at a time when food supply is more vulnerable that it has ever been”.

We wish us all a happy 20th National Day and a joyous Independence Day 37.

May the Force Beyond continue to be our shepherd.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 7

Labour Day 2013 – The Quest For Job Satisfaction

Looking back over the past five years and more, it could now be argued that through the many motivational building measures and related appropriate actions (both individually and collectively), our future, the future of our children and that of our world have been enhanced further.

In the process we have also recognised that in order to edge closer towards that brighter future we want for all, much emphasis has had to be placed on the Value of Job Satisfaction, without which our efforts would have ended up as being nothing else but counterproductive.

On this most Auspicious Occasion, when in good faith, it is our right to commemorate and celebrate the fruits of our own sweat, let us also pledge to leave no stone unturned in deriving still more Job Satisfaction, in the discharge of our duties and responsibilities.

Thus, let us now resolve to make full use of the attached most comprehensive and equally useful guidelines for the betterment of our Actions in this direction.

We now pay Special Tribute and Gratitude to our elders who have unconditionally brought us safely this far and we wish Us all hard working people of Our World an enjoyable Labour Day 2013, always with much reflection on the need to strive for still more greener pastures ahead for all.

May The Force Beyond continue to be our Shepherd.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 6

Productivity – Make Every Second Count!

Our focus today is on the value of Productivity, namely, on the need to eliminate bad habits, in making every second count, in the discharge of our daily lives.

In the process we take this opportunity to pay Special Tribute to the Iron Lady, Baroness, Margaret Hilda Thatcher, who through her personal strength had the ability to overcome almost every obstacle in her path, broken many conventions as a woman, whereby defining the politics of a whole generation… in further influencing the politics of many generations to come.

And whatever your views of her are, she was a Unique and Towering figure with deep convictions, always prepared, ready and willing to act on them, in attaching much value to every single second of her highly productive life.

Her legacy continues…

Newsletter Issue 5

Self-Discipline : The Value Of Persistence

Our focus today is on the Value of Persistence, most important in taking action even when we do not feel like it, in the pursuit of personal growth, for ‘Persistence’ comes not from clinging from the past but from a vision of your future.

In observance of the prevailing Holy Week, in Faith we now pay special tribute to Pope Francis I, Shepherd of the Universal Church and we pray to the Holy Spirit for the success of his Vision and Mission, for renewed efforts for both Christian unity and mankind as a whole.

Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring and may this most auspicious occasion fill our hearts with peace and joy.

And let this new beginning be of greater prosperity, success and happiness for all.

We now thank the Almighty for his endless blessings.

The journey continues…

Newsletter Issue 4

The Value of Courage

As part of our ongoing “Working Hard at Working Smart” series for 2013, our focus today is on the State or Quality of the Mind that enables us to face danger or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, resolutions and bravery.

In the process we have seen the need for us to recognise the Value of Physical, Moral, Social, Creative and Spiritual Courage, aimed at further transforming Our Society and Ourselves in enabling us to move ahead, to attach deserving Value to our Principles and Convictions.

And with more Creative Courage we will be better able to discover and appreciate new forms, ideas, patterns and symbols not though lack of fear, rather despite fear, in facing up and tackling of the enemy in all its various shapes and forms.

May the Force Beyond continue to provide us with the necessary strength and courage for the betterment of our lives and the lives of our children.

Newsletter Issue 3

The Value Of Integrity

Over the past two years or so TESS has spared no effort in sensitising and inspiring us all on various Social, Moral and Spiritual Values, essentials ingredients in turning still more Possibilities in Realities, for the benefit of that Common Future we want for our children, ourselves, our Seychelles and our World.

The value of Integrity which we are addressing today is considered as the single most important quality which we must develop further to lock in such values and the many others in setting a firm foundation for Character Building, in ensuring the highest quality of work in everything that we do each and every day.

It is indeed the opportune moment to express and convey from the heart, our deepest gratitude to Pope Benedict XVI for his spiritualised human values of integrity, selflessness, Self-givingness, oneness, love, beauty and truth, which over the past eight years have guided the Universal Church. Such values are the nexus for our future progress, for men to seek a better life and to pursue ultimate delight and fulfilment in life.

We pray for his good health and may the Almighty bless him always.

The Journey continues…

The Promise

Newsletter Issue 2

Family Values: The Values Of Respect

The focus of our 2nd edition for 2013 is on the urgent necessity to highly recognize the Value of Respect, in the discharge of our daily lives, for the betterment of that Common Future we want for our Children and our World.

The recent natural and “man-made” tragedies which our Seychelles had to face, experience, endure, resulting into negative consequences needing our immediate attention, is a clear reminder for Us All to redouble our efforts to fully utilize the indispensible Value of Respect (in which ever shape or form) in our actions, in the name of development, progress and comfort.

Our thoughts, prayers and support are for Us All directly or indirectly affected by the tail end of Tropical Cyclone “Felleng”, for Together we can surely get through it much stronger, whereby being better able to mitigate such negative possibilities in the future.

Yes our climate is changing and Yes we must now be fully prepared, ready and willing to face the resulting consequences and challenges to the very best of our abilities.

May the Force Beyond continue to guide us in our related mitigation processes, most essential for our “image de marque” as a whole, for the 50% of our “unprotected” miniature Landmass now require as much, if not more Respect than the protected fifty percent (50%).

Newsletter Issue 1

Striving For Our Seychelles In 2013

Our History: The Corridors Of Power: Humility

During the past 12 months or so we have been tireless in ours endless quest to further analyze, formulate and continue implement sound policies for the sustainable future of our children, ourselves, our Seychelles and our World.

The evaluation of our history, the road travelled, our many accomplishments and deficiencies have been intense whereby in the process recognizing the fact that many of our prevailing setbacks could have been avoided, had we exercised a little more ‘humility’ in the discharge of our daily lives over time for the advancement of all…

To kick start our 2013 ‘Working Hard At Working Smart Series’ therefore we have now found it to be both timely and fitting to showcase and address this highly important Value, most essential for the Building of A Global Movement for Change, as called for by HE Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General United Nations.

We take this opportunity to thank us all for our unconditional support provided to our TESS over the last four years or so and to assure us all of our continued devotion and commitment towards the achievement of a Common Goal, for the sustainable benefit of All.

The Promise

Newsletter Issue 18

The Pinnacle of Excellence: Wisdom

Tribute to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

“Year’s end in neither and end nor a beginning, but a going on with all the Wisdom that Education can instill in us”. As such it is now proper for us ALL to reflect deeply on 2012, so as to now build wisely on our achievements, in our endless quest for the betterment of that Common Future we want for all, in 2012 and beyond.

To sum up our most effective “Working Hard at Working Smart series” for 2012, and to pave the way forward, our focus today is on the Value of Wisdom: The Pinnacle of Excellence:

To showcase it high importance, we now have the honour and privilege to pay special tribute to His Excellency Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (nickname Madiba) for his life long struggle against apartheid in South Africa from 1948 until his election as the 1st Black President of the Republic in 1994, and for his priceless contributions towards the betterment of our Continent and our World, as a whole.

Madiba, we are most grateful for your decades’ long sacrifices and rest assured that your exceptional wisdom, guidance and spirit will forever be a major component of our foundation in building that Global Movement for Change as called for by Mr. Ban Ki-moon: the United Nations Secretary General [UNSG].

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration and esteem.

We now wish us all a Merry Christmas and a 2013 filled with much more conviction, devotion, hard work, love, progress, happiness and prosperity for all.

Newsletter Issue 17

The Quest for Killer Success

Loving What You’re Doing…?

Our ‘2012’ ‘Working Hard at Working Smart’ series is now coming to an end and 2013 calls for the further strengthening of our performance in turning still more Possibilities in Realities for the Benefit of ALL.

In line with our ongoing ‘gratitude focus’ we now have the pleasure to honour and pay tribute to  Sir James Richard Marie Mancham (KBE), PhD, 1st President of the Republic of Seychelles, Ambassador for Peace, Author Seychelles Global Citizen, for his priceless contributions  towards the betterment of our Seychelles and our World. Without doubt getting there was not an easy process whereby much discipline, commitment and determination were essential ingredients for the achievement of Killer Success.

Today Our Seychelles and Our World are grateful for your insights, knowledge and kindness which have and continue to be instrumental in paving the way forward for that Common Future we want for ALL.

Please accept, Sir James, the assurance of our highest consideration and esteem.

May the Force Beyond be with you always.

Newsletter issue 16

Self Improvement – The Power of Gratitude

Tomorrow we will pause to remember the sacrifices made by our elders in diligently serving our Seychelles and our people and to thank them from the heart for their priceless contributions.

In order to assist us in this direction our focus today is on the Power of Gratitude, imperative and necessary for the betterment of our daily lives and the lives of our children.

We wish us all nothing else but a happy weekend filled with Gratitude.

Newsletter issue 15

The Value of Honesty and Simplicity

On the outset, out thoughts and prayers are now for the Government and People of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Republic of Cuba, the Commonwealth of Jamaica, of the Bahamas, the United States of America (USA), the Commonwealth of Canada and all others directly or indirectly affected during this most unprecedented, tragic and difficult period of a natural disaster… Hurricane, Sandy.

Simplicity cannot live without honesty

Tomorrow Christians of Our World will be celebrating ‘All Saints Day’. It is surely an opportune moment for us all to reflect deeply on our prevailing level of our social, moral and spiritual values, both individually and collectively, in making amends in the discharge of our daily lives for a better future for all.

And to assist us all in this direction, our focus today is on the important value of “Honesty and Simplicity” whereby enhancing further our current level of friendships, trust, confidence and wellness, most essential for the attainment of ultimate greatness.

On this most auspicious occasion, let us above all praise the Al-Mighty for all his blessings, his forgiveness and his unconditional guidance…

Newsletter issue 14

The Quest for Excellence – Role Models

The Prevailing Attitude of Excellence

To honour episode (XVII) of our “working hard at working smart series” for 2012, we now have the pleasure in focusing our attention on the most important social, moral and spiritual value of the Human Race.

The recognition of the Value of Excellence in the discharge of our daily lives is indeed most essential in our endless quest to fulfil our dreams (what ever they may be) for the benefit of the Future We Want.

It is therefore with much confidence and conviction that our modest contributions will continue to be of assistance to us, in further enticing others to follow suite – without which the attainment of ultimate Excellence will continue to be nothing else but elusive for all.

The Promise.

Newsletter issue 13

The Value of True Friendship

It is priceless, it is a treasure, it is a gift

After three months of well deserved R&R through the effective use of Horticulture Therapy, TESS Secretariat is now back in full gear.

And to “kick start” our Series for the remainder of 2012, we now have the pleasure and honour to focus our attention on “the Value of True Friendship”, whereby making amends wherever necessary, most essential for the way forward, for the betterment of our daily lives, both individually and collectively.

May our upcoming weekend be full of joy, happiness and peace of mind.

The Promise.

Newsletter issue 12

Independence Day 2012 – The Road Travelled

To commemorate the 36th Anniversary of our Independence Day, we have provided us with some Thought Provoking Insights, on the Road we have travelled and on the necessity to take appropriate action wherever necessary for the betterment of Our Seychelles, Ourselves, and Our World.

We wish us all a Happy Independence Day.

May the Al-Mighty bless us all always.

Newsletter Issue 11

National Day 2012 – Devotion

Building A Global Movement For Change

National Day 2012

As it is customary for the past four years; i.e. since TESS was conceived, our main message today is on the upcoming 19th Anniversary of our Third Republic – Our National Day.

We have taken this opportunity to place particular emphasis on the equally upcoming important Rio+20 Summit, where contributing towards the “Building Of A Global Movement For Change” [as called for by the UN Secretary General]…

With much focus on the Future we want for Our Children, Ourselves, Our Seychelles and Our World.

We wish US all a Happy National Day.

And we thank the Al-Mighty for his blessing.

Newsletter Issue 10

The Value of Empowerment

Coaching Them to Success

The Big Five

The month of June is made up of five important events calling for much focus and reflection on Our Seychelles, Ourselves and Our Future.

The 1st June, The International Children’s Day; the 5th June, Liberation Day; the 7th June, Corpus Christi; the 18th June, National Day and last but certainly not least, the 29th June, Independence Day, are a complete package of Auspicious Occasions to deeply analyze, package, commit and implement concrete actions for The Future we want.

And today we have the honour to focus our attention on the important value of Empowerment, seen through the eyes of our employees, not us the employers, for the betterment of our work relationships in leading the team to durable success.

Please accept our very best wishes for a happy feast of Corpus Christi.

Let us always praise the Almighty for all his blessing each and every day.

The Promise.

Newsletter Issue 9

Adapting and Embracing Change

Success Breeds Success

As a follow-up to the issuance of our 80th episode of TESS bimonthly newsletter (on the important value of ‘Self Reliance’) conceived over the last four years or so, a small feat which we are most proud of as a young organisation, we now have seen the urgent need for us as individuals to “Adapt and Embrace Change”, for more satisfaction with the work that we do each and every day.

In the process more ideas will come to life, more possibilities will become realities, careers will take flight and our Seychelles will surely prosper.

We also take this opportunity to pay particular tribute to the late Donna Summer and Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees for their valuable music which has helped shaped some of our lives, careers and milestones…

In remembrance and with due respect to Donna and Robin, (as a community) let us endeavour to celebrate that  Takamaka Bay sponsored Saturday 26th musical event, on the Anse Royale Beach and Leisure Park, in a manner conducive to good thinking, for the love of Music, for the benefit of all.

And for the Park itself…a fruitful initiative for the community by the Seychelles Government, The Ecotourism Society of Seychelles [TESS] and the European Union [EU].

Newsletter Issue 8


Hope your May Day celebrations were full of love and happiness for your many accomplishments and now the time is ripe for us to set the tone for the future for our children.

And in order for us to register still more success in the years ahead for the benefit of all, today we focus our attention on the important issues of Self-Reliance… whereby enhancing further our independence…and the value of Our Integrity and Dignity as unique Human Beings on Planet Earth.

Newsletter Issue 7

Labour Day 2012

For those of us Christians, practitioners and believers, this upcoming weekend we will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee of St Anthony Parish Church, Anse Etoile on Sunday 29th April 2012.

To mark this most auspicious occasion, many activities have been organised, the highlight of which will be a non-stop 50-hour Holy Sacrament Adoration starting with a mass on Thursday 26th from 12noon and ending Saturday 28th April at 3p.m.  On Sunday 29th April, a grand Thanks Giving Mass will be held at 11.00 a.m. and you are all welcome to join in, in making it a memorable day.

Two days later, Tuesday 1st, MAY DAY, our Big Day will be here again… another important occasion for Reflection, Regrets, Future Planning and subsequent well deserved Enjoyment.

In line with such important activities all having immense Social, Moral and Spiritual Values, our focus today is the urgent necessity of having an “A List For Life” essential in our endless quest for Sustainability, both individually and collectively.

We now wish to thank all those who are contributing in one form or another in ensuring the success of both events, for the benefit of the Community and our beloved Seychelles. Let’s all join in the fun.

And we now wish us all an enjoyable weekend and a Happy Labour Day for all the hard working people throughout Our World.

Newsletter Issue 6

The Power of Your Uniqueness

On the outset, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your feedback and contribution pertaining to our last issue on the Importance of “Balancing Work and Life” for success and happiness. The pleasure is our always.

In line with our ongoing “Working Hard At Working Smart” series, we are now of the view that it is both timely and appropriate for you to recognize “The Power of your Uniqueness” whereby making full use of you “Authentic Self” in contributing fully towards The Future we want.

In so doing, you will surely be better able to honour the diversity of others, embrace and express all aspects of your Unique-Self, whereby turning still more Possibilities into Realities.

With our very best wishes always.

Newsletter Issue 5

Balancing Work and Life

Balancing Work and Life

Our world is changing so fast, that we wake up every day feeling more ignorant than the day before.

Our resolution therefore must be for us to swiftly adapt and to make the unnecessary and timely changes, imperative and necessary for our self-worth and essence in further enhancing our love of self, for the benefit of all.

Indeed the key to our sustainable success as individuals is to continue to strive for Differentiation and through Self Motivation, we will surely be better able to embrace change, work much harder, enhance our uniqueness to help inspire change for The Future We Want.

We take this opportunity to wish all Christians a Holy Week full of Self-Evaluation of our values for the benefit of Change for all.

Have a Happy Easter Sunday.

Newsletter Issue 4

Quest for Love of Self

The Promise

In our continuous quest for happiness for our children and ourselves, today we pay particular attention to the important trait of Self-Esteem…essential for the further enhancement of our confidence and optimism in reaching our goals and self-actualization.

In so doing we will be better able to treat other people with still more respect, benevolence and goodwill, thus favouring better interpersonal relationship and avoiding destructives ones.

Thus let us now recognize that love of others and love of ourselves are simply, not alternatives, whereby there is always the need for some good evaluation of self, for the benefit of our beloved Seychelles.

Newsletter issue 3

The Healing Power of Music

Tribute to Whitney Houston: The Healing Power of Music

As part of our “Working Hard at Working Smart” series, through “The Healing Power of Music”, today we pay tribute to Whitney Houston, an Icon whose gifted voice and talent has been and will continue to be instrumental in shaping our lives, and the lives of many generations still to come.

Indeed since music has the Power to reach into our very core and extract from us the deepest feeling, the furthest and the most profound thoughts from our minds and hearts, no effort should be spared in making full use of such a limitless positive force in everything we do for the benefit of Our Seychelles and “The Greatest Love of All”…our children.

Have a productive and fruitful weekend with music.

Newsletter Issue 2

The Power of Love

Valentine’s Day – That special day to express true love for God, for ourselves, for others and for our country is on the horizon.
As such we have found it to be both appropriate and timely to focus our attention on the “Power of Love”…as part of our “working hard and working smart series for the benefit of all.

Please accept our very best wishes, for a Valentine’s Day full of love and happiness.

Newsletter issue 1

Success Through Self-Motivation

In line with the National Theme for 2012, we do hope that our  “working hard at working smart” series will motivate us further in transcending our current circumstances through resourcefulness, energetic and strong work ethic… whereby developing a more focused survival instinct and qualities that are strong social/business assets… in turning still more Possibilities into Realities, for the benefit of our Seychelles.

Newsletter issue 21

Best and Worst of 2011: Moving into 2012

2011 has been a highly eventful year for Our World, and the Republic of Seychelles had its fair share of it, whereby much inspiration, confidence and motivation were required in the face of such realities.

Today TESS wishes to express its sincere thanks to all its readers, associates and partners for your unconditional co-operation and support which have enable us to register much progress in our endless quest for sustainable livelihood for all, in particular to the less fortunate and the most vulnerable of our community.

It has been our pleasure to serve you…

Please accept our very best wishes for a Peaceful, Prosperous and Happy 2012.

Newsletter Issue 20

Year 2012: Rio + 20: The Future We Want
The Green Economy

As part of our culture series, today we focus our attention on the most popular fruit in the world, an essential commodity for food security and healthy lifestyle which can easily be grown in home gardens.

Newsletter Issue 19

Year 2012: Rio + 20: An Eye on The Amazon

As part of our “Culture Series”, today our focus is on the value of the Rain Forests of the world for the sustainability of our common future, especially now that “climate change” is king…
We do hope that our modest contribution can be useful for the on-going preparatory processes leading to the Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to held in the city in June 2012.

Have a pleasurable weekend.

Newsletter Issue 18

Kot Man-Ya: The Brand

Today we focus our attention on Flowering Ginger Plants.
The objectives  are to further stimulate and promote the enjoyment and understanding of Tropicals, whereby enabling us to gain more knowledge on the types of plants worth collecting for propagation and related community benefits.

Let’s do it with flowers…

Our next focus will be on Musa  – The Bananas and plantains.

Newsletter Issue 17

Flower Power 

As part of our ‘culture series’ as called for by the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics – Under the theme “Tourism – Linking Culture” for 2011 and beyond, our focus is on “Exotic Tropicals – The Flower of the “Gods”.

Our next focus will be on gingers, e.g. Alpenia Purpurata.

Let’s do it with flowers.

Have another nice Creole weekend.

Newsletter Issue 16

The Anse Royale Coastal Protection Project

The Promise Fulfilled

Our focus today is on the Anse Royale Coastal Protection Project – A Mission Spearhead by TESS since October 2007.
Hope you’ll find it useful in our continuous quest to protect our coastline from Sea-level Rise and Man-Made disasters for the benefit of all.

Newsletter Issue 15

The Power of Personal Values

Getting to Know Them

As part of our “Value Series” and as a follow-up on the success of the 8th Indian Ocean Games, today we give due recognition to the Power of Personal Values…whereby building further on our many accomplishment in 2011 and beyond…
For the “show must go on…!

Newsletter Issue 13

The Quest For Happiness

Today we thank you for your positive feedback on Newsletter No.12 of 2011 pertaining to the health benefits of the Tree of Life.
We explore eight factors that influence rates of the intrinsic value Health, Happiness and Depression.
And we convey our sincere wishes for the success of the 8th Indian Ocean Island Games.
“Think Happy, Act Happy, Be Happy”

Newsletter Issue 12


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Our focus today is on Obesity, The Tree of Life and the Health Benefits of Coconut Oil.
Hope it could be useful for the betterment of our daily lives and for the enhancement of our sustainable livelihood as a Small Island Developing Nation.
Have a enjoyable weekend.

Newsletter Issue 11

Independence 35

The Social Value of Material Wealth and Comfort

Today we focus on the Social Values of material wealth and comfort in relations to sustainable living and the quest for excellence.
Have a fruitful weekend.

Newsletter Issue 10

100th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILO)

“A New Era of Social Justice”

Our focus today is on “A New Era of Social Justice “as called for by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and our common values for success.
We take this opportunity to extend our very best wishes for the success of the 18th Anniversary of the Third Republic – our National Day.
And a weekend of thoughts, much love and happiness always.

Newsletter Issue 9

International Children’s Day


Hope you’ll find the attached thoughts on the ‘Enhancement of our social, moral and spiritual values’ useful for the benefit of our children and ourselves…of course.

Newsletter Issue 8

May Day 2011

Labour Day is here again and we wish you all hard working good people a joyous weekend.

The attached message could be useful for our future endeavors, together in faith.

Newsletter Issue 7

The Eco-Capital of the World

Innovation, Recognition and Appreciation

Our focus today is on Innovation, Recognition and Appreciation by our cherished visitors to Kot Man-Ya… to whom we express our utmost gratitude.

Newsletter Issue 6

Healing Power of Indian Spices

Today we give prominence to Healing Power of Indian Spices…
Hope they are found to be useful for the betterment of our lives.
Time to ‘spice it up..!’ just a little…

Newsletter Issue 5

Leadership Strategies

Our Communication Briefings today are on Leadership Strategies. Hope you’ll find them useful in our continuous quest to win big for Seychelles.
We wish you all a happy, enjoyable, peaceful and successful Carnival weekend.

Newsletter issue 4

The Power of Green Tea

Our focus today is on the Powerful Health Benefits of Green Tea, namely the 25 reasons why we should start drinking Green Tea Now.
Hope you’ll find them useful.

Newsletter Issue 3

Management Strategies

Our briefings this week are on Management Strategies and the meaning of Love…
Hope you will find them useful.

Newsletter Issue 2

The Benefits of Horticulture Therapy

Our focus today is on the benefits of Horticulture Therapy.
Hope you’ll find it useful for the betterment of our daily lives.

Newsletter Issue 1

A Healthy Nation is a Wealthy Nation

Hope the attached TESS Newsletter No.1 of 2011 on “A HEALTHY NATION IS A WEALTHY NATION” could be useful for the betterment of our daily lives.